Services and Specialities

psychotherapy and choosing a therapy therapist

General Psychotherapy is great for a whole number of reasons but has been found to be effective for depression, anxiety, low mood, and lack of motivation to find a new direction in life. 


Behaviour changes and Addictions

Problematic alcohol and drug use, and addiction, is a complex condition, that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. For those living with this condition simply stopping and staying stopped by relying on grit, determination, and willpower is not always possible.  

Often examining our behaviors, and their impact can help. 


Cognitive behavioral therapy is essentially brain training for ADHD. It is a short-term, goal-oriented form of psychotherapy that aims to change negative patterns of thinking and reframe the way a client feels about themselves and their traits of ADHD.

CBT does not treat the core symptoms of ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Rather, it helps lessen the life impairments experienced by people with ADHD, such as procrastination and time management. There’s no evidence that CBT can replace drug therapy for ADHD, or even permit lower dosages, but research does suggest that it helps adults with ADHD more than other forms of therapy. 

Anger Managment

 We understand that managing anger is a journey towards personal growth and healthier relationships. With years of experience, we’ve helped individuals gain control over their emotions and find constructive ways to express themselves. Our approach goes beyond just anger management; it’s about understanding the triggers, developing effective coping strategies, and nurturing a more balanced and resilient self. Through tailored support, we empower our clients to navigate life’s challenges with composure and grace. 

Couples and Relationships

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a  goal-focused evidence-based therapeutic approach that incorporates positive psychology principles and practices and helps clients change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on problems. In the most basic sense, SFT is a hope-friendly, positive emotion eliciting, a future-oriented vehicle for formulating, motivating, achieving, and sustaining desired behavioral change.

SFT can often be used in combination with the forms of therapy.

Sex Therapy and Sexual Dysfunction

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is perhaps one of the most useful forms of therapy for addressing ED, especially related to performance anxiety, low self-esteem, and loss of sexual arousal. CBT is a proactive and actionable therapy targeted at helping you change the way you think and behave. It privileges the idea that thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations are all interlinked. 

Sex Therapy can also link to one’s sense of self and wellbeing, including exploring your own sexual identity.


Online Services

The majority of my clients now meet online over zoom for our main sessions and use WhatsApp for sharing thoughts and completing homework tasks.

Online therapy means you don’t have to travel anywhere to get the help you need, saving you time and money. Often clients are more comfortable in their own homes.

The Ideal setup for online therapy is when the client uses both a computer. laptop or iPad and a mobile phone. That way we can have one device to see each other on, and one to share documents and pictures. However many clients just use their phones and find that works well. 

For online sessions, it is important that you can find a private space where you will not be disturbed.

Face-to-Face Services

If you are based in Hailsham or Eastbourne then I do offer face-to-face sessions.

Face-to-face sessions are attended in person, all clients know they coming to a safe and dependable address and to a familiar room which becomes part of a routine. For some clients, this routine becomes an important part of their life. The sounds, smells and tastes also become an important part of the process.

 (We are a dog household, with two dogs living at the address, so sessions may not be suitable for those that have a fear of dogs)